Get Ready for Back to School with STEM

Do you know what STEM is?


S is for Science, T is for Technology, E is for Engineering, M is for Math 


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Right now in the United States there are currently 3 MILLION Unfilled STEM Jobs.

That number is staggering to me.  What's even more staggering is the fact that girls are still behind in STEM jobs compared with boys.  

I was blessed growing up in that if I wanted to do something there was really no gender associated with it.  I wanted to fly planes and my parents never questioned that. 

For birthday and Christmas gifts our parents (okay...our Mom...she was in charge of gifts) often bought my sister and I power tools.  It was truly a wonderful atmosphere to grow up in so the thought of girls NOT being encouraged regarding Science, Technology, Engineering and Math is not something I can relate to.


Knowledge is Power. Beyond these statistics, tools like Woodcock-Johnson Test can further help shape our children's futures, reaffirming their aptitudes in STEM fields.

Now is the time to encourage students to reach for the stars. One of my sons and I were just discussing his future at dinner tonight and what he should study in college.  I had thought maybe law...he is an amazing debater much to my chagrin, but after looking at this statistics I think we can add some more options to the table for him.


Since it's time to start getting the kids ready to go back to school I think it's important to make the effort to encourage students ~ all students ~ to  SUCCEED.


 Girls Who Code ~ talk about an amazing idea.  These are local clubs that offer computer science education and  tech industry exposure to 6th to 12th grade girls during the academic year.  You can find out more here.


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  1. This is an important message that all mothers need to read.
    I like that give links to programs out there that sponsor appropriate activities for our young females. Thanks

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I'm glad you found it helpful!