Let's Do This Together - The Art of Home

Flour and eggs on a wooden table

Creating a home that speaks to your heart can seem daunting, overwhelming or just plain impossible.  

Sometimes life gets in the way......for the good....or for the bad......

Sometimes we look back and see a home that was just perfect....everything in place....everything just the way we wanted it.....and then.....

There can be so many reasons that things just change and once we have the time to step back and take a look it can seem like just too much to deal with so we ignore it, or downplay it or just determine to live with it....but then.....inside you know it's time.....time to create a NEW home....one with your unique stamp....one you can't wait to share and one that will bring a peace to your spirit......

The process can seem overwhelming but let's not let that stand in our way....let's get back what we lost a grip on and let's discover the Art of Home....


Will you join me? I will be taking the Art of Home|Modern Simple Living e-course starting September 15, 2015.  I love to read and can devour books from cover-to-cover but when it comes to reclaiming my home I need a little hand holding and with hands, heart and talent like that of Jennifer Rizzo, Lissa Whitlock, Breanne Doucette, Kennesha Buycks, and Jeanne Oliver I am confident my home will be better than what it was and will truly reflect who I am now....now that I'm a little wiser, a little more worn but also ready to bloom once again.  


This is a Four-Week Course
Week One
The Art of Farm to Table
This week is all about gardening, cooking and preserving food.
Week Two
The Art of Gathering
This week is all about opening your home and creating a space where people feel loved and special.
Week Three
The Art of Domestic Moxie
This week is all about creative and fun ways to keep your home.
Week Four
The Art of Reclaimed Style
This week is all about using what you have and finding new uses for found objects.

To find out more and get the early registration price, visit Jennier Rizzo (.com) and then come back and let me know. I would love for us to share what we're doing ~ think of it as our Back-to-School time where we can catch up by our lockers and share all of the excitement!




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  1. Yvonne @ StoneGable says:

    This sounds absolutely beautiful!!! What a great concept and topic

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you so much, Yvonne! I'll be taking the class and I can hardly wait.

  2. Diane | An Extraordinary Day says:

    How fun!! I don't think it matters how expert we are either... we all need to step back and re-evaluate our outlook on home keeping. Our attitudes make our homes more than anything, and certainly more than our decorating style. 🙂 I'm looking forward to the class. 🙂

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I'm truly looking forward to it as well, Diane! Time to brush off some of my homemaking skills and to learn some new ones.