St. Patrick's Day Free Printable - I'm Not Lucky, I'm Blessed
Get your FREE St. Patrick's Day Printable - I'm not Lucky, I'm Blessed! James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.
St. Patrick's Day Free Printable
I'm not one for decorating for every holiday there is but I do like to have one or two things that I put out for holidays and that's why I like printables so much. They're cheap (usually FREE) and all you have to do is print them and frame them.
This year I wanted to make something special for St. Patrick's Day. I don't believe in luck, I don't think I ever have, but I do know and believe that I am blessed and that's why I made this free printable not only for me but for YOU!
♣Oh, and by the way, if somebody says, Good Luck, I don't get all flaked out...I know it's a phrase that people use when they truly mean well....most people are kind if you just give them the chance to be. ♣
You can download your copy right here (It's in a Google Drive for now, or you can save the photo in this post).
Thank you Mary Beth! I make cards for the homebound at my church and this sentiment, verse and composition is perfect for March 2020. Again, thanks.
You're welcome, Nance, and I am so glad you can use this in such a wonderful way. What a lovely idea. xo
Thank you so much! It's perfect for those who know there is no luck. All good things come from God.
You're welcome, Beverly, and a big Amen to all good things coming from God.