Decorative Diffuser-Homemade & Inexpensive
$1.00 DIY Decorative Diffuser
I love candles but good ones are expensive and with small children safety is an issue. A nice, fragrant, decorative alternative to candles are diffusers but they can also be expensive. I like to use what I have on hand recycling items that might otherwise be thrown away and this diffuser fits the bill. I had been saving a small glass jelly jar that I liked because of it's square shape but was not sure what to do with it it until now.
Materials needed:
glass container {jar, vase, glass, etc.}
bamboo skewers
liquid potpourri
- Decorate your jar as desired-I used seam binding tied in a bow, a small tag and a charm
- Place a few drops of essential oil of your choice or liquid potpourri into your container-½ inch to an inch will do
- Snip off the pointed end of the skewers
- Place skewers into your container-flip the skewers every few days
That's it! Easy and inexpensive.
Edited: A lot of people had questions about where to purchase the liquid potpourri - Casey was sweet enough to leave her suggestions in the comment section and I am also including her recommendations here for you!
Casey's comment-for everyone who is looking for liquid potpourri, it is in most major stores (Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) in the candle/potpourri section. It comes in large plastic bottles and comes in many different fragrances. I have even seen it (and purchased mine) from the Dollar Tree. It is mostly used in the small fragrance burners, that have a tealight underneath and a cup for the fragrance above it. Hope this helps someone out there.
fragrant hugs, mb.
That's such a great idea. Very creative!
Thank you for stopping by and saying hello last week. Pretty blog you have!
Live.Love.Eat´s last blog post..My Sweet Valentines
very, very nice. it looks like you bought it already made!
maya | springtree road´s last blog post..©1974
Oh how nice! It looks beautiful and I bet it smells so nice! It would make a great gift!
Kim@ForeverWherever´s last blog post..Top 10 Must Visit Destinations
I'm loving this idea! It would make such a gorgeous gift. Thanks, Mary Beth! I always love seeing what creative--and pretty--things you come up with. 🙂
Julia @ Hooked on Houses´s last blog post..Hooked on Dutch Doors
Oh I LOVE diffusers!! I'm going to try this!! I have the perfect little bottles too!!
TidyMom´s last blog post..Recipe for FUN!
That's a great idea! Thank you! Yours is so pretty.
Gayle´s last blog post..Hooked On My New Lens…I Think
What a great idea to make diffusers! They make such great gifts. Thank you for sharing with us the instructions, and I love the one you made! ~Arleen
Arleen´s last blog post..Inspiration ~ Decorating with Blue and White
What a great idea! I have some square jelly jars that I saved for something too and didn't know what to do with them, so this is perfect. Thank you 🙂
rue´s last blog post..Hooked on~ my own version of "If Walls Could Talk"
Great idea!! I collect antique green glass jars, and I'm thinking about how pretty that would be and fragrant!! Thanks for sharing!
Angela´s last blog post..Hooked on: Cooking
Great idea!! I collect antique green glass jars, and I'm thinking about how pretty that would be and fragrant!! Thanks for sharing!
Angela´s last blog post..Hooked on: Cooking
Thanks for the tutorial, what a wonderful smelling idea.....
suzy homemaker´s last blog post..Crazy How I Can Be Hooked On These.....
Nice project! Does it last long. I love ones by GloSpa... and they last a long time.
Fifi Flowers´s last blog post..Burning Desire...
Great idea! I might have to try this!
Martha´s last blog post..I WON.....
I love diffusers and never thought to make one...this is a wonderful idea! I love the house smelling pretty but am so nervous lighting candles with my little climber on the prowl all day. This is a great homemade alternative. Your jar is gorgeous! TFS
Jennifer´s last blog post..Squishy little loves...
What a great idea, but I don't believe I have ever seen liquid potpourri...where do you find it?
janet bishop´s last blog post..HEADER
Beats the $30-40 ones I see out there and also sell in my boutique. I will defintely try these. Thanks for sharing. Just found your blog and LOVE it. You rock sister!
natalie meester´s last blog post..My shop-A Touch of Country decorated for Holiday 2008
I am making this as soon as I find liquid potpourri. Where can I find that?
bellaguinness´s last blog post..Whisk Wednesdays :: Fricassée de Poulet à l’ail et à la Sauge
for everyone who is looking for liquid potpourri, it is in most major stores (wal-mart, target, etc.) in the candle/potpourri section. it comes in large plastic bottles and comes in many different fragrances. i have even seen it (and purchased mine) from the dollar tree. it is mostly used in the small fragrance burners, that have a tealight underneath and a cup for the fragrance above it. hope this helps someone out there.
I really love this idea. This would be a perfect gift for my brothers' respective girlfriends. It's thoughtful, girly *and* budget conscious!
geek+nerd´s last blog post..Here's something else that makes me happy...
Great idea!! I have some scented oils that would be great for this. Thanks!
Amy @ Living Locurto´s last blog post..Fix-It Friday - Photo Editing
I love this idea! I didn't know you could make these yourself. I will be making these very soon for my home.
Renee´s last blog rich are you?
Hi! I was surfing and found your blog post... nice! I love your blog. 🙂 Cheers! Sandra. R.