Valentine's Day Clothespins

Valentine ClothespinsIMG_4922

Valentine ClothespinsIMG_4979

I bought some wooden clothespins at the Dollar Tree to use around the house….they have so many uses…and decided to use some for a 5-minute Valentine’s Day craft. 

Valentine ClothespinsIMG_4910

Valentine ClothespinsIMG_4921

All you need are the clothespins, some small stamps {I have a box of letter stamps from the dollar bin at Michael’s} an ink pad {I chose red} and that’s it…you can add some foam sticky hearts, rhinestones, buttons, etc., if you so desire.

Valentine ClothespinsIMG_4961

You can use these to hold love notes on lunch bags or to close up a bag of Valentine’s candy…don’t just use these on Valentine’s Day…use them every day to share a message of love!!!!

These are also great because the kids can help. 

I’ll have more ideas on how to use these in an upcoming post but couldn’t wait to share this 5-minute craft!

hugs, mb

Linking to these lovelies!





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    1. Thank you, Jessica! I would love to link up and appreciate the invitation. hugs, mb

  1. Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking says:

    Oh these are so adorable! What a great idea!!

  2. Michelle Paige says:

    Your clothespins are so cute and easy to make! I love that! Thanks so much for linking up to my Valentine Link Party! Glad to have you!

  3. Laurel@Ducks in a Row says:

    So so cute! Thanks for the inspiration!

  4. Visiting from Toys in the Dryer! Such a great cute idea! LOVE it!

  5. Rebekah @ Justfordaisy says:

    These are just divine! I've pinned them on Pinterest! 🙂

  6. ADORABLE! I love this project!

  7. Jenn/Rook No. 17 says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creativity on “A Little Birdie Told Me…” at Rook No. 17! Looking forward to seeing what inspirations you’ll share tomorrow!
    Warmest wishes,

  8. Quick, simple, and inexpensive but with fabulous results! This is my kind of craft!