10 Easy Ways to Start Your Path to Financial Independence

What does Financial Independence mean to you?  

Let me share with you some of my story. There was a time in my life when I worked three jobs. Between the three, I made a 'good' living, but I wasn't living 'good' (I know that's supposed to be well, but good fit better 🙂). My family is the most important thing to me, and I hardly ever saw them. I worked tirelessly, slept 4 to 5 hours a night, and then did the whole thing over, and over, and over again – like a never-ending bad dream. Seven years ago, I hit a wall. I just couldn't do it anymore. My youngest son was only 2, and I was never home when he woke up in the morning; some nights, I wasn't even there to put him to bed. It was a horrible situation, so I made the decision to quit my jobs. I was down to two at that time, but they were so intertwined that when one went, so did the other. It might not have been the smartest move, considering I was the sole provider for my family, but I don't regret it one bit. Now, I've found a better balance, and with the perks and benefits of a savings account, I've not only secured financial stability but also precious time with my loved ones.

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A few months later I was offered another job ~ thankfully ~ but then the economy took a downturn and the job I now have went from full time to part time but through it all we have been okay.  We have learned that true financial independence means not having to work just to pay on our debts, it means spending time with the ones we love doing the things we love.  

 Here are some of the fun ways we save money

Small Steps to Financial Freedoms #my360independence #ad

We eat out on occasion but not all the time like before and picnics always yield joy!  You can see from the picture above it doesn't have to be fancy.  The kids love meals like this and so do I.

Faux-Banana-Split Small Steps to Financial Freedoms #my360independence #ad

Even dessert can be simple...just some fresh strawberries and bananas topped with way too much whipped cream.  

 I get the best feedback from trips to the park {free}, talking {free}, playing games and watching shows that we all like {pretty much free as well}.  

If you've been putting off starting your path to financial independence or you just want to 'beef' things up a bit Capital One 360 is a great source for help with your journey.  They offer a large spectrum of financial products and services for  consumers and small businesses.  My oldest son has a Capital One 360 account that he puts money in to for his 'dream' ~ it's a nest egg of sorts for him.  He started early and I am so proud of him for that!  

closing signature with Photo of Mary Beth Your Homemaking Coach with a Floral Theme

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  1. Michele @ The Scrap Shoppe says:

    Great tips, Mary Beth!! We try to live frugally, and it has definitely paid off.

  2. Thanks for the ideas Mary Beth. With my Hubby in school full time, we need all the tips we can get.

  3. Claire @ A Little Claireification says:

    Fantastic tips, Mary Beth! Three boys (one in college) and we too can use all the help we can get!

  4. Amy Anderson says:

    Very good tips for sure - I use a lot of them!

  5. Amy @ StowandTellU says:

    These are great tips. I'm always looking for more ways to cut corners on spending.