How to Determine If a Tree Needs to Be Removed

Trees are essential for the balance of our environment and atmosphere. They can also serve as incredible focal points in our gardens and attract wildlife. However, there can be instances where keeping a tree in your garden becomes dangerous and a potential hazard and it’s important to know the signs and how to protect yourself. In the below guide, we look at how you can determine if a tree needs to be removed or not.

Charming stone cottage with various trees in the yard, highlighting the effect of nearby trees on the overall look and maintenance needs of the property.
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Potential Issues that May Result in Removal

In most instances, trees can stay safely in your garden for decades without ever causing an issue. However, there are instances where real danger occurs including the change of the tree toppling over, or it having a negative impact on your property or garden.

Signs of disease or decay

Trees are subject to disease and decay and this can vary wildly depending on the species of tree and where it is planted. Some examples of tree diseases and pests include:

  • Dutch Elm disease
  • Horse Chestnut bleeding canker
  • Plane wilt
  • Oak lace bug
  • Sweet Chestnut blight
  • Acute Oak decline
  • Ash dieback

You should check the condition of your trees and have an understanding of what they should normally look like. If you notice any changes you can then assess for the presence of disease or decay.

If diseases or decay are left unchecked, they can cause stability issues in the structure of the tree, and potentially cause problems for the surrounding wildlife and vegetation. For example, a disease could spread and kill your other shrubs and plants.

Structural damage and instability

Trees weigh an incredible amount and their branches and trunks can easily cause huge damage to your property and garden if they become unstable. Firstly, this could be via unstable roots and the tree physically toppling over after severe winds for example or storm damage. Secondly, weakened or damaged branches could easily snap off and cause harm or damage. Assessing the structural integrity of your trees and the stability of its roots and branches is a key factor to whether it needs tree root removal or not.

You should also look for cosmetic damage to your property though. Trees that overhang buildings can often cause unsightly staining and the build up of moss and growth as leaves fall off and degrade. This looks unpleasant, but over time, it can also cause damage to your external cladding and rendering.

What to Consider Before Removing a Tree

Modern two-story home with a surrounding landscape featuring tall evergreen trees, showcasing the proximity of large trees to residential buildings.

Being clear on the potential signs is fantastic, but you then need to consider how to safely remove the tree, and if there are any regulations or permissions that could cause complications.

Safe removal of the tree

We do not recommend removing a tree yourself. Even if it’s not the largest tree, you most likely won’t have the tools, equipment, and knowledge to remove it safely without placing anyone else in harm’s way.

Consulting a professional and looking for tree removal services is the advised course of action. Professional arborists understand how to remove trees safely, the damage they can cause, and nuances like the angles they can fall at. They will also have the tools, safety equipment, and know-how to do the job infinitely quicker than you ever could, and without any risk of harm or damage to your property.

Regulations and permissions

You may not realize, but there may be instances where you simply can’t just remove a tree from your property. Depending on your location, the type of tree, and the regulations in your region, you may have to obtain permission. Potential barriers to tree removal can include:

  • Homeowners association restrictions
  • Zoning requirements for non-residential properties
  • Resource protection areas
  • Conservation easements

A professional arborist will be able to help you with these issues but you should also check your property deeds and do a little research on how these things work in your local area.

Large, historic red-brick house with mature trees and manicured bushes in the yard, illustrating the impact of tree size on home and yard aesthetics.

Protect Your Outdoor Space and Preserve Nature

You should now have a clear idea of how to spot if a tree on your property needs removing, and the potential complications. If you have trees in your garden or on your land, it’s important to regularly assess their condition, and keep an eye on them so you can avoid any adverse effects.

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