How To Make a Pom Pom ~ Candy Corn Style

How to Make a Halloween Candy Corn Inspired Pom Pom

I love the look of tissue paper pom poms and I like to hang things from the ceiling around my house....I'm still trying to figure out how I can incorporate my disco ball into the decor of my living room.  I had my polka dot paper lanterns hanging in my dining room for months so it was time to take those down and put up something else....enter, Candy Corn Pom Poms.

You can make these in any color or color combination and the cost is next to nothing.  I wanted to have some big ones just to pack some color punch in the kitchen and dining room and since I like candy corns (are you surprised?) I went with that color combo.

How To Make Candy Corn Pom Poms

You will need:

Tissue paper ~ 2 sheets of white tissue paper, 4 sheets of orange tissue paper, 2 sheets of yellow tissue paper approximately 30 inches x 18 inches each sheet

Ribbon ~ your choice of color and length ~ mine is 18 inches long

1.  Stack your tissue paper from the bottom up ~ white on the bottom, orange on top of that finishing with the yellow facing upwards.

2.  Now begin to fold your tissue paper as one unit, folding approximately 1 Β½ inches up (the long side is the side you fold from).  Think accordion fashion or fan (just like when you were little and hot and made a paper fan).  Continue folding to the very end.  In all likelihood, your very last row will look a little wonky ~ no need to worry about that.


3.  Make sure your folds are nice and crisp but don't be too rough because this can rip.

4.  Cut an outward v-shape on each end from the center point out making about a 1 Β½ inch on each side.

5.  Find the midportion and tie on your ribbon.

Now fan your pom pom apart being gentle with tissue ~ hang and enjoy your Candy Corn Pom Pom.


hugs, mb new logo March 2016

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  1. Love these -- great idea and I think I just might make these for our upcoming fall campout!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Clydia ~ these are so easy to make and cheap, cheap, cheap! : ) Have a wonderful fall campout...camping is such fun.

  2. I love those tissue paper poms and this is just so cute, Mary Beth!

  3. Tarah @ Real {Cheap} Housewives of Texas says:

    I LOVE these! I've made these poms before, but would have never thought to do candy corn ones!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      When I read your comment I thought of the possibility of making these 'ombre' also...I may work on that (one of these days) ~ thanks for stopping by, Tarah, and have a great day!

  4. Courtenay says:

    OK, now those are cute! What an amazing party decoration!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks, Courtenay!

  5. Fantastic tutorial! This turned out super cute!!! I'll have it up on my FB this morning....

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Beckie!

  6. Those are sssssssssooooooo cute!

  7. Chelsea @ Making Home Base says:

    Oh Marybeth, you've done it again! I just love this adorable little pom! So cute! Pinning!

  8. Kim @ Sand & Sisal says:

    Great tutorial! I've always wanted to make a big pom-pom. Now I know how!

  9. Really cute! We've done these to make flowers before and it's always a fun activity with kids. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love this cute idea and it is so festival for the season!
    Thanks for linking up this week!
    Stacey of Embracing Change

  11. Great tutorial Mary Beth! Such a clever take on Candy Corn!! Thanks for all the detailed instructions!

  12. Jenn/Rook No. 17 says:

    Beautiful, fluffy, puffy and fun! Love your candy corn inspired pompoms Mary Beth! Loving your seasonal header too!