Family Memories Preserved in a Family Cookbook - A Wonderful Gift
“This post is sponsored by CreateMyCookbook; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.”
A few weeks ago I shared with you how I made a family cookbook with recipes from my Mom and my Grandma using Create My Cookbook.

I was feeling that missing in my heart for my Mother and I wanted to be sure that her recipes, as well as my Grandma's, were preserved not just for me but for generations to come.

I tell my sons stories about my Mom and so many times when I make one of her recipes, I'll share a story about a memory associated with it to them but, I wanted to be sure that they each had a piece of that.....those important memories for when they are out on their own and married so those recipes and stories go beyond me and forward to generations to come.

I know...maybe a bit sappy (I tend to be that way) but it was important to me.

I put together my own cookbook complete my own personalized vintage design, stripes and pink, of course, and that's the beauty of it, it's very customizeable to reflect you, your family, or your group.
When I received the cookbook I created I was absolutely thrilled. It was even better than I had hoped.
As I turned each page memories of love flooded me.
It was wonderful.

Putting it together was a journey that brought back thoughts of gatherings, birthday dinners, and special days.
As I was compiling my cookbook, I thought that this would be a great way to connect with family members and collaborate on a cookbook together. I also thought this was an amazing idea and when I checked the Create My Bookbook website......they thought of it first great minds think alike 😉 and they make it easy to all come together as either a family or any group and add recipes to create one huge amazing cookbook.

You still have time to create your own cookbook, or, if you know someone who would LOVE this as a gift, you can give them a gift certificate to Create My Cookbook (click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the page for the gift certificate option.).

And before I forget, Create My Cookbook also offers the WeTypeIt service! If you don't have time, or just don't want to, you can upload your images to WeTypeIt and they'll be typed up and added to your recipe box for you to sort and add to your cookbook as desired.
If you make a Create My Cookbook of your own, I would LOVE to see it! You can leave a message here or tag me on social media.