He Looks So Good But How Does He Smell?

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I'm the mom of three sons and I always want them to feel confident and secure and that includes smelling good and is the reason I'm sharing this sponsored post on behalf of AXE.  All opinions are mine alone. 

He Looks So Good

My youngest son is a mini fashionista.  He has a style that is nothing short of awesome and a personality to go with it.  I know I'm partial but he really is unique and that's just the way he likes it and me, too.  He doesn't go with the flow.

Last year for Halloween he wanted to be a businessman and asked for a suit.  I went to the thrift store and bought a suit coat, pants, a white dress shirt, and tie.  He was ecstatic.

We took the suit to the dry cleaners and left it in his closet until Halloween night.  When the day came, he put that suit on and it was almost as if his style destiny was etched in stone (at least for now).

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

Since that night I cannot count how many times he has worn his suit and variations of it.  He always wears it with casual canvas shoes; another style option that is uniquely him.  In the last few months, we've added a few more pieces, a suit vest and another suit coat, to his core wardrobe.

But How Does He Smell?

That may seem like an odd thing to interject right here but it's something he has to consider.  I've been through the whole puberty boy thing twice before and I knew it was just a matter of time until those hormones kicked in and my once fresh-smelling 11-year-old became a stinky 12-year-old in a suit.

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

And, that's what happened.  He was going about his regular life, stylin' and profilin' when one day, he was hugging on his mama and I almost couldn't bear it.  I love his hugs but I had to hold my breath it was that bad.

That's when we had "the talk".  Not "that" talk but the talk about hygiene and how his body was going through some big changes.

He took it well and in usual Maxwell style, he embraced another opportunity to express his personality.

He wanted to smell good longer than just the first few minutes after he gets out of the shower and that's why we chose AXE YOU Body Spray, AXE Signature Gold Antiperspirant Dry Spray, and AXE Signature Night Antiperspirant Dry Spray.

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

The AXE aroma is fresh and fun just like him and he appreciates that the Dry Sprays will not discolor his dress shirts, vests, and suit coats.  That was important to him and me.

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

Before using the products we went through a boot camp of sorts where I discussed with him proper usage. Being a mom can be hard.  I wanted to spray my baby but knew it was best to teach him how to use the products.  This is a small but easy way to boost his confidence.

First, we covered the basics.  AXE Body Spray is just for the body, not the armpits, and AXE Dry Sprays are for the armpits, not the body.  64% of young guys think body spray and dry spray are the same thing.  In fact, 1 in 2 guys think that they should apply body spray to their underarms*

*Ipsos Body Spray Drivers and Barriers, 2017 or Ipsos, 2017

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

We found an easy way for him to remember this.

He wants dry armpits so that's where the Dry Spray goes and he wants his body to smell fresh so that's where the Body Spray goes.

Body Spray= Body and Dry Spray=Dry Armpits

I had him practice several times, at first without actually spraying his chest, the best technique for applying the body spray.  It's simple for him to remember and allows the perfect amount of AXE Body Spray to be applied.

It's the AXE 7 method (that's what we call it).  We watched this quick video first so he would know exactly what I was talking about.

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

He started to spray at his left shoulder going straight across to the right then crossing his chest and midsection and ending at his left hip forming the number "7" while saying the word AXE.  He giggled.  I loved it!

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

He then sprayed his underarm area with AXE Dry Spray antiperspirant which will help him stay dry for up to 48 hours.

He Looks Good and He Smells Great!

He was fresh out of the shower when we did this but within 30 minutes he was ready to conquer the world, or at least our neighborhood.

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

He looks good and he smells great!

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

He's all set for the busy back-to-school season ahead and I feel so much better knowing I can cross one more puberty task off my list.

• This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of AXE.

He looks so good but how does he smell? How to encourage good hygiene and tips for how to deal with stinky teen and pre teen boys.

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  1. my goodness! he is so handsome in that suit. if Axe doesnt employ him, they're nuts! this young man is model ready for a career!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Oh my goodness! You made me smile from ear-to-ear with your words. Thank you so much and I can't wait to share your comment with my son. 🙂

  2. Jennifer @ Celebrating Everyday Life says:

    So adorable Mary Beth!! Your family is precious and I love how you are handling the hurdles of puberty. What a cute post!! Thanks for inspiring us with your awesome mom tips!! And thank you AXE for making a handy product these boys will use!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you so much, Jennifer!!! I appreciate that more than you know. xo

  3. Diane | An Extraordinary Day says:

    WooHoo!! You are such an awesome mom! I love how your son has such a wonderful and unique personality and is his own "man" already. What a great post!!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you so much, dear friend! Max is wonderful and unique for sure. 🙂

  4. What a cutie! And oh how I wish all moms would take the time and care to address those issues of puberty. I am sure it's difficult to talk about, but so important. Those stinky boys can become really stinky grown men, and who wants that?
    You addressed this sensitive subject very well.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you so much for the encouragement, Pat! I truly appreciate it. Have a wonderful week. 🙂

  5. Brandi Kennedy says:

    Wow, I seriously can't get over that last picture of him! GREAT staging - he looks like a little GQ model!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you so much, Brandi!

  6. Nancy @ Artsy Chicks Rule says:

    Aw so great!! What a little cutie...they grow up way too fast!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      They do grow up, WAY TOO FAST! I hope all is well with you and your family, Nancy. <3

  7. Stephanie says:

    He is so handsome! Teen years feel very far away for my son but I'm sure they will come up quickly so saving this for reference 🙂

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you, Stepahnie, and yes, sadly, the years go by so, so quickly. *sigh*

  8. Amy Anderson says:

    I grew up with four brothers - the smell struggle is real!! LOL! Steve uses Axe after his workouts religiously. He swears by it!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Oh, my to the four brothers....yes, the smell struggle was ALL too real for you, I'm sure. My youngest has been using the Axe for a little over a month now and there has been no smell to report at all....even when he goes outside wearing a camo jacket to crawl through the yard in 80 plus degree weather. boys (men!) 😉