A Natural Alternative ~ Homemade Deodorant

Natural alternatives for home cleaning, beauty and health products have become a recent passion of mine.  I had thought for quite a while that using processed deodorants and antiperspirants were not the best choice for me and my family so I went on a search for a natural alternative.  

Homemade DeodorantCupcakes and Crinoline

I found many recipes online and tried a few but found this one has worked the best of all that I tried and can be made in just a matter of a few minutes for less than $1.00. My first batch is still in use (over 2 months) and is not even half of the way gone yet.  I love that I can customize the scent for each family member and that it can  be reapplied throughout the day if desired.  

Homemade Deodorant3


Homemade Deodorant5

6 tablespoons coconut oil 

¼ cup baking soda

¼ cup arrowroot powder 

a few drops of essential oil ~ I use lavender for my underarm deodorant but other scents for my sons and husband

Homemade Deodorant4

Mix the arrowroot powder and baking soda together.

Homemade Deodorant6

Next, add the coconut oil.

Homemade Deodorant7

Continue mixing until everything is well blended and then add your essential oil if desired.  

Homemade Deodorant8

You can place your deodorant into a small container with a lid to keep it nice and fresh.  I used a Ball Mason Jar for ours ~ these little half pint ones are the perfect size.  

This deodorant is great ~ it doesn't leave a nasty white mark on clothing (as long as you are careful when you put it on) and it washes out of clothes easily with no residue.  It is a win-win for us and I plan on continuing to make it going forward.  

Homemade Deodorant from Cupcakes and Crinoline 2

If you share my desire to switch over to natural homemade beauty and household products you'll find a lot more to like by checking out the links below ~ a group of bloggers joined together to razzle dazzle you with a showcase of inspiration!

Please be sure to visit the following blogs for the 
Homemade Beauty and Household Products Showcase:
Friday, January 24th
The Everyday Home-Homemade Fabric Softener and "Febreze"
Sondra Lyn at Home-Coconut Sugar Scrub
Mom Home Guide-Lemon Orange Microwave Cleaner
Saturday, January 25th
On the Way Home-Lavender Water

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  1. Great idea! The little jars you store your deodorant in are cute, too!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Lauren ~ I bought those jars a few years ago....I knew they'd come in handy some day. 🙂

  2. Linda @ Mixed Kreations says:

    I'm going to have to try this. I use a lot of natural remedies, but I haven't tried a natural deodorant.
    I make my own fabric softener to, but I want to try the dryer sheets that's at "The Everydsy Home" too. Thank you for all the links. Going through everyone and pinning!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks, Linda ~ I've just started to use natural remedies and homemade products in the last few years and I'm lovin' it! I appreciate the 'pin' hugs

  3. Paula@SweetPea says:

    I knew that homemade deodorant could be made, but I had no idea how to do it. I love that you make a custom scent for each family member. Thanks so much for sharing this helpful tip.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Paula. I had no idea either until a few months ago ~ I love it!

  4. Pingback: Homemade Milk Bath Recipe | The Happier Homemaker
  5. Pingback: Homemade Fabric Softener and "Febreze' - The Everyday Home
  6. Wow. This is great. I think this will be far better and more natural, too. Thanks, Linda @ Crats a la mode

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Linda. *hugs*

  7. Sondra @ Sondra Lyn at Home says:

    This is great, Mary Beth... and I'm sure a real lifesaver for people with sensitive skin! Many people can't wear OTC deodorants because of the aluminum in them.

    It's such fun to see what everyone has made... I'm loving this tour!! Blessings! Sondra

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Sondra. My oldest son has eczema so I try to watch what he uses and this has worked for him without any reaction ~ thankfully!

      I've had a great time on the tour as well ~ I'm learning (and pinning) so many great ideas.

      Hugs, Mary Beth

  8. This was an AWESOME idea! I am so impressed!!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Becca!hugs

  9. Pingback: Ginger-Lime-Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub
  10. Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Bourtique says:

    I've made quite a few of my own beauty products Marybeth, but never tried deodorant. I look forward to trying this recipe and I'm pinning now for use later in the week. Thank you for sharing your homemade beauty product.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Kerryanne ~ it definitely works. I'm never going back to the processed ones again. Have a great week!

  11. This sounds wonderful, I'm not too keen on processed deodorants….this sounds fantastic! LOVE the sweet little jars!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Kathy ~ I only recently even gave thought to all the chemicals in deodorant and the fact that it was being placed directly on top of lymph nodes...UGH!

  12. Jennifer @ Town and Country Living says:

    My daughter makes her own deodorant and I always wondered how she did it. Now I know!! 🙂

    1. Mary Beth says:

      It is so easy and it works....that's what I love about it. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jennifer!

  13. Stephanie says:

    I HAVE to try this. Love that it's natural. I've pinned and shared on FB so I remember. Thanks!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Stephanie!

  14. I have been dying to try an all natural deodorant so I am looking forward to making my own Mary Beth! Great feature!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks, Denise ~ I can't wait to try your exfoliating scrub...it looks awesome!

  15. Karen Wolff says:

    Great alternative to all those chemicals! Where do you buy the arrowroot powder and also what scents do you use for the males? TIA!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Hi Karen ~ I buy my arrowroot powder from Amazon.com and I use tea tree oil, rosemary and cedar wood for my guys.

      1. Karen Wolff says:

        Thanks so much! This has been weighing on my mind for a while-can't wait to try it!

        1. Mary Beth says:

          Thanks so much! This has been weighing on my mind for a while-can't wait to try it!

    2. You can get it in the grocery store in the natural baking section

      1. Mary Beth says:

        Thanks for the info, Toni!

  16. Thank you for sharing this! I just started using homemade deodorant that I have been buy locally.But I would like to make it myself.Thank you of sharing!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      You're welcome, Anne! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  17. I make my own deo too, and have loved it for more than 2 years! My recipe is much simpler, but the mainstays of baking soda and coco oil are the same. Glad you love it!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Jelli ~ I'd love to see and try your recipe. Is it on your blog? 🙂

  18. Shannah @ Just Us Four says:

    I've always wondered if homemade deodorant worked! Thanks for the great share!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much, Shannah ~ I hope you get a chance to try it....I know you'll like it!

  19. Pingback: Project Inspire{d} Linky Party, Features and Football Party Ideas | Cupcakes and Crinoline
  20. Alice @ Mums Make Lists says:

    Sounds brilliant.

    Have been thinking alot about all the chemicals in toiletries and make up and how we can "detox" from them as a family.

    P.S. Love the whole showcase - fantastic!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I'm glad you enjoyed the showcase, Alice. I found so many great recipes to try. I'm like you....the thought of all of the chemicals we're around and soak in daily is really getting to me ~ these natural alternatives are wonderful!

      Have a fabulous week ~ hugs ~ Mary Beth

  21. Jessi @ Practically Functional says:

    What a great idea, glad to hear it works well too! Thanks so much for sharing this at the Creativity Unleashed party, I'm pinning this for sure!

  22. I love this MB. I have OFTEN discussed with other women my concerns with using antiperspirants. If you notice, all women's deodorants in the store are also antiperspirants. Now, Men's on the other hand…you can find just deodorants. I don't go near woman's deodorants for this reason. I only use men's. The best smelling girly one I could find is Old Spice Sport. We have like 10 of them in our house lol. Now I want to try your idea!! Thanks so much for the info. XO

  23. That is great! I have been trying to be more natural with my products too, recently made homemade shampoo and love it. I will have to give this recipe a try. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Tina ~ I'll have to give homemade shampoo a try ~ I've been trying to switch over a little at a time but so far I am really thankful to be using natural products more and more.

  24. Lisa @ Cooking with Curls says:

    I know I should make my own, but I am a creature of habit. 😉 One of these days, maybe I can find some plastic tube/ rollie things things to put it in! Thanks so much for sharing with us at Best of the Weekend Mary Beth. Pinned to our party board!!

    1. Karen Wolff says:

      Hi Lisa-I just wanted to let you know that amazon sells the empty deo containers-just purchased some to make Mary Beth's recipe!

      1. Mary Beth says:

        Thanks for passing the info along, Karen!

  25. My husband decided to go the natural route with his deodorant, but he just swabs on alcohol. I keep telling him there has to be a better way. I'm so glad you did the research and shared it with us. I will be making this for not just him, but me too.

  26. Karen Wolff says:

    I'm having trouble mixing my ingredients-my coconut oil is hard, should I microwave it for a little?

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I just keep mixing mine ~ it softens up as I mix. Try using a fork if you aren't already doing that. Let me know how it works out. p.s. If you do microwave it I would only do 15 seconds at a time.

      1. Karen Wolff says:

        thanks Mary Beth-I only microwed for 15 seconds and keep stirring and it worked! The kids and I had fun making our own special blends 🙂

  27. Cathy@My1929Charmer says:

    I love it, I make a lot of our natural products but not deodorant yet. Now I will, thanks so much, and I have everything I need right on hand. I'll be making a batch soon! Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best, your creative inspiration is always a delight to see!

  28. cathy@My1929Charmer says:

    Hi Mary Beth, a quick note to let you know you are being featured at Sunday's Best. I'm definitely trying this out.

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