Online Dating - Yes, No or Maybe?

Disclosure: Today’s post is sponsored by Christian Mingle. 

Today's post is a bit different for me but it's definitely something I think a lot of us can relate to.  Dating.  Did you hear the air leave the room?  When I think of dating I get a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach and if I were prone to hives I'd probably be all itchy. Find love text on keyboard buttonI've been married for 11 years so dating is not on my radar, thankfully, but I do have single friends and from what they tell me online dating is the way to go nowadays.  They also tell me stories that make me freak out about dates, the whole online dating process and the culture surrounding it.  To be honest with you if I had to go any of the routes they've told me about I would probably just stay single or hope that someone I know knew a nice single man they could introduce me to….like the good ole days. 

young couple making heart with handsAn Alternative to Consider

But, and this is really important, there is an alternative I would consider and that's ChristianMingle

ChristianMingle starts with faith which to me is a high HIGH priority when it comes to a marriage. You'll be able to find someone who shares the same morals and values as you and the ChristianMingle search and matching process takes in to account your approach to your faith.

They're also committed to your safety and they make matches.IMG_4083

Be A Star

If you or someone you know is considering trying online dating and ChristianMingle sounds like something that's a good fit for you right now is the absolute best time to try it! You could win $1,000.00 and star in ChristianMingle's national campaign - imagine yourself (or someone you know) as a STAR.

You can check out the details here but entry is so easy.  All you have to do is share your photo with #MeetMeOnMingle and tell everyone why you should be one of the faces of the new ChristianMingle!

I've been checking out all of the entries and it is so exciting.  I even had someone tag me on twitter to tell me they entered - it made me giddy.  I felt like an old school matchmaker but in this case ChristianMingle will do the work. 

I also checked out their Success Stories - I almost had to grab a tissue as I was imaging all of those dreams coming true and all of the love. 

So now what do you think? Have I peaked your interest? If you do enter the contest I would love if you let me know either here in the comments below or tag me on twitter - @5cupcakes - with the #MeetMeOnMingle hashtag and I'll retweet you, do a dance and cross my fingers and hope that you win. 

xo Mary Beth

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One Comment

  1. Jessica [Havok] says:

    Some dating sites are, uhm, just not a good fit for some people. Or, it takes a ton more work to weed out the people just looking for, uh, *you know* instead of, you know, actual dating.
    But, I met my Mister on OkCupid, and my mom met her Mister on a dating site as well. It's not that bad, I promise! And, while this may not be the best example, but my mom and step-dad met on the old phone-chat-room things in the mid 90's (that, somehow, came back in popularity a few years back). They were married for almost 12 years.