I Took The #BizChallenge to Remove My Family's Toughest Stains

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Biz Stain & Odor Eliminator for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

When I was in high school I wore a uniform....a lovely grey pleated skirt and WHITE blouse.  I had a closet filled with white blouses.  My Mom was the Queen of all things house and home and having the cleanest, best smelling laundry was her thing.  My white uniform shirts were so white you almost had to wear sunglasses to gaze upon them.  What did she use to get them that white? Biz! I remember seeing Biz stain fighter next to the washing machine along with her favorite detergent.  Any stains were pre-treated with Biz before going into the washing machine and every load that required some extra attention was pre-soaked with Biz.

I Took The #BizChallenge and My Laundry and I Couldn't Be Happier

Running a home and having kids means there are stains in my life and sometimes there are lots of stains.  My youngest son has a knack for 'finding' dirt especially when he's wearing something new and white.  😉  A few weeks ago I bought him some new summer shirts for giong out ~ NOT for play.  He chose to wear one for playing out in the yard.  He was running around with one of his brothers and he fell and got some mud spattered on the back of his new shirt and some grass stains on the side and shoulder.  

These are some tough stains to get out and I almost threw in the towel and just retire this shirt to play status but I decided to take the #BizChallenge and see what happened.  

Biz contains more stain fighting ingredients

I followed the directions on the bottle and when ready, laundered his shirt.

After drying his shirt I was amazed with the end result.  There is no trace whatsoever of the stains and his shirt is now ready for going-out duty once again.  

1 Before and after I took the #BizChallenge #ad cupcakes-and-crinoline

Now for some grungy towels!

I was so inspired with how clean my little guy's shirt was that I decided to try Biz on my kitchen dish towels.  Getting these towels clean has always been hard because they can only be washed in COLD water.

How did these towels get so dirty???? I use my cast iron skillet a lot, almost daily, and one of my sons loves to cook so he uses it as well.  When I'm done with it I wipe it out with a flannel rag specifcally set aside for this purpose.  When my son uses it, he wipes it out with whatever is handy and that's usually a dish towel.  My towels get downright ugly after cleaning out the skillet residue and even after I wash them they are still stained.  This was my next challenge...getting these towels clean again.  I pre-treated as I did the shirt above and pre-soaked in Biz then laundered as usual.  

Impressive, aren't they?  

1 Stained Kitchen Towels come clean after taking the #BizChallenge

where to buy Biz

Check out where you can buy Biz locally, and.....

save $1 on Biz

Here's a $1.00 off coupon you can download to sweeten the deal.

Follow Biz on Facebook for some more stain-fighting tips and ideas.

Summer is almost upon us and that means a lot more outside down in the dirt fun ~ what will you be getting into that could use some Biz attention? 

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  1. Steph @ The Silly Pearl says:

    This stuff looks great! Kids are messy, aren't they!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Kids are messy...especially crafty ones. 🙂

  2. kristi@ishouldbemoppingthefloor says:

    My mom has used Biz for over 30 years and swears by it. Looks like I need to take the challenge!!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Moms know best, Kristi! 🙂

  3. Diane | An Extraordinary Day says:

    I remember my mom used Biz too! She was a nurse and those uniforms had to be sparkling white, which her's were. Hmmmm....maybe I need to try it too. 😉

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Isn't it wonderful how a product can bring back memories like that, Diane. Thanks for sharing about your mom....I'll bet she was an amazing nurse. 🙂

  4. sarah @ {Home-ology} modern vintage says:

    Quite impressive!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I keep trying it on new stains and it keeps working, thankfully. I swear my boys get dirty just standing still. 😉

  5. Randi - Dukes and Duchesses says:

    With five kids, we have a LOT of stains. I'm definitely going to try Biz.

  6. Bonnie @ Uncommon Designs says:

    My mom used biz and it looks like it does an awesome job. I need to pick up a bottle!

  7. Jess @ Chaos & Love says:

    Definitely thinking we need to try this stuff.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      You'll be so happy that you did, Jess ~ not that I want to encourage food fights but after using this I just might. 😉 Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful week.