The 60 Second Fix for Funky Tasting Ice Cubes

The 60-Second Fix for Funky-Tasting Ice Cubes from

We've all been go to get a big ole glass of ice and something just isn't right....there's a smell...a not-so-pleasant one....which you pour your beverage of choice over the ice.....take a sip....and BLUCK YUCK UGH ~ it is one of funkiest things you've ever tasted.  That happened to me the other was not fun.

The last time this happened it was my water filter.  I knew it needed replaced.  I ignored the red light flashing at me....and I didn't buy a replacement until....the moment when I could no longer even tolerate the nasty ice but this time was different.  I actually did the very responsible adult thing and had a new filter in place but there was still something not quite right.  I wasn't quite sure what to do this time but I tried my go-to for just about anything.....vinegar....and it here's my 60 second fix for funky tasting ice cubes.

The 60-Second Fix for Funky-Tasting Ice Cubes from

 1.  DUMP ICE ~ if you're like me the thought of being without ice (like it's some sort of God-given right or something) makes me a bit panicky ~ all of the sudden I'm all fidgety and needing everything I drink to be 'iced' but I dumped it all anyway.

The 60-Second Fix for Funky-Tasting Ice Cubes from

2.  Fill a spray bottle with STRAIGHT vinegar (as opposed to crooked?!?) and

The 60-Second Fix_mg_5924

The 60-Second Fix for Funky-Tasting Ice Cubes from

start spraying the entire bin inside and out with vinegar ~ every little nook, cranny, springy-like doo dad and surface.

The 60-Second Fix for Funky-Tasting Ice Cubes from

3. Let everything sit for about 60 seconds and then rinse, rinse, rinse with water and wipe dry. 

The 60-Second Fix for Funky-Tasting Ice Cubes from

4.  Place the ice bin back in the freezer and start your automatic ice maker working again.  In no time you'll have fresh, delicious and non funkified ice again.

Sparkling water with berries made with SodaStream at Cupcakes and Crinoline




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  1. sue roman says:

    Love all these neat and easy to do tricks, to make my life easier. Thank You

  2. Pingback: Project Inspire{d} #115 - Cupcakes and Crinoline
  3. Melissa French, The More With Less Mom says:

    Funky ice is no fun. Thanks for posting. Hello from Project Inspired.