How to - Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

Do you have tweens on your gift list? Those amazing not yet teens, not still littles in your life.  My youngest son, and a few others I know, fall into that category.  They're not really into toys anymore but they're not ready to be totally relegated to the clothing and socks list.

My youngest is very creative but I've noticed over the last few months, much to my dismay, that he has been drawing, sketching, and sculpting less and spending more time with video games.  I had honestly been a bit upset by this and rather than stand over his shoulder and yell, "Be creative, darn it", I suggested reading, doing physical activities, etc.

Sharpie Markers in store - Target

Well, long story short  I recently went to Target and purchased the two items above,Sharpie Permanent Markers Limited Edition Gift Pack (39 ct.) and Sharpie + Paper Mate Flair Gift Pack (28 ct.) to work on this post where I'm sharing an easy, last minute gift idea for anyone in your life, but specifically tweens, and then, something downright magical happened.  

The sets are bright, bold, and the possibilities are limitless! I purchased the marker sets but there are doodling and drawing gift sets for every kind of artist and the colors....well, they are nothing short of vibrant and amazing with so many choices. I had the markers out and was playing with them. I have a bit of a love for markers, pens, and office-type supplies when my youngest son came over to my desk and asked what I was doing.  When I told him, he asked if he could help, and if he could draw with the markers...well, my heart lept a bit (honestly) and he and I sat there drawing for quite a while.  It was wonderful.  Then, when I showed him the exact project I was working on, he asked if he could draw a pillow for himself.

He spent quite a bit of time coming up with what he was going to draw on his pillow even making a sketch beforehand in one of his forgotten art tablets.

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

Next, he sketched out this tiger and colored him in.

When he showed me his finished artwork I was thrilled and I knew that this would absolutely be a great gift to give the tweens, kids, adults, ANYONE on your gift list.

How to Make an Art Canvas Pillow Cover


Markers  - Sharpie Permanent Markers Limited Edition Gift Pack (39 ct.) and Sharpie + Paper Mate Flair Gift Pack (28 ct.) And right now, from 12/03/2017 to 12/23/2017 you can save $10 with the low price of $19.99 with this offer (available at Target in store or Online

Drop Cloth

Sewing Machine


Pillow Form - size of your choice.  I used a 15" x 15" for this project

Now, to how I made the pillow covers.

First, I washed and dried the drop cloth.

Pillow Cover Backs made with Drop Cloths

Next, I cut two pieces for the back of my envelope pillow, making use of the already finished edges (time saver!).

I then cut 1 piece for the front of my pillow, the actual art canvas.

The pillow form I used was 15 inches x 15 inches so I cut the front piece 16 inches x 16 inches allowing for a ½ inch seam allowance on each side.

Pin edges together and begin stitching - Drop Cloth DIY Pillow Cover Art Canvas

Pin together the backs to the front of your fabric (right sides together).

Stitch a ½ inch seam allowance.

Trim the corners of the case and turn right side out.


  • I bulk made (and cut out) two of these at once and you could easily do this to save time.

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens


Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

Now, start creating or,

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

wrap for gift giving

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

along with these downloadable tags to inspire with directions for specifics on the back of the tags.

Three Downloadable Tag Options:
Option One - download here
Option Two - download here
Option Three - download here

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

I think we all have a secret affinity for color and creativity and there are so many colors in these gift packs that the receiver's imagination can literally run wild with possibilities.  I used the metallic markers to update some Christmas decor in my kitchen and now I think I need to buy more of these sets because I don't want to share.

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

What will you create?

Creative Gift Idea for Tweens

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