Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips Using Heinz Cleaning Vinegar

I have a confession....I am a bit of a days past I used any chemical spray-spritz concoction available that promised me shine, clean and dead germs.  I put aside the cleaning style I had seen my Mom and Grandma use....the chemical-free cleaning with items from their pantry.  Their houses always were fresh and clean but I was sure I knew so much more than they did.  Oh my!!! Well, thankfully I have gone back to my 'cleaning products more and more and phasing out the chemicals.  I want products that are safe, clean smelling, environmentally friendly and most of all, family friendly!  This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience.  Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

I don't want to have to wait until the kids are out of the house to clean so that they aren't exposed to the fumes of the 'Cleaning Vinegar.

You can clean your house from top to bottom using this great product. I have so many tips but I will share my two favorite homemaking tips with you today ~ I'll share more in the future so stay tuned!

I have had a sluggish bathroom sink drain for weeks but not anymore.  This is easy, effective and quick.

1.  First, pour boiling water down your drain.  I used a tea kettle for this.  You'll want to pour it into a sink that is empty of water.  You don't want the boiling water to splash on you.

2.  Next, add ½ cup baking soda and 1 cup Heinz Cleaning Vinegar.  When you add the vinegar to the baking soda there WILL BE a chemical reaction with popping and bubbling.  My kids and I love to watch this part.  There is nothing dangerous about this but stand back just so nothing pops on you.


3.  Let the above mixture settle down and do it's magic for about 10 minutes.  When all the action has stopped, pour one cup of hot water down your drain.  Wait a bit and then turn on straight hot water and watch your previously sluggish drain now flow smoothly.

Another of my favorite tips is to use Cleaning Vinegar and table salt to get rid of lime deposits and build up on stainless steel faucets.  I have hard water in my house and I get pesky lime deposits.  To get rid of those lime deposits all you need to do is a make a paste.

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

Below ~ kitchen faucet before ~ look at that grubby icky lime!

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

1.  Put 1 to 2 tablespoons of salt in a small container.  The amount of salt used/needed depends on the amount of lime you need to get rid of.

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

2.  Add a splash of Heinz Cleaning Vinegar ~ just enough to make a paste.

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

3.  Slather this mixture on to your stainless steel faucet and surrounding area.

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

4.  Wait 10 minutes and then using your hand {no chemicals so no need to worry about skin contact}, work the gritty paste around on your fixture and watch as the lime disappears.

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

Get rid of lime deposits with cleaning vinegar and salt ||

5.  Rinse with warm water and admire your lime-free faucet.

The Cleaning Vinegar is a bit different from regular vinegar.  It has 6% acidity as opposed to the 5% acidity in standard vinegar.  Now, that may not seem like a lot but that 1% difference boosts all the good attributes of vinegar by 20%.  cleaning agent that cuts through tough grease and germs.  It is biodegradable, safe for stainless steel, eco-friendly, environmentally friendly and non-toxic

Since it's all natural, there's no need to even go to the chemical aisle of the store to look for cleaning products any more.  I purchased mine at Walmart but I've seen it at grocery stores as well.  

Signature Honey Script 09 29 2015

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  1. carolyn ~ homework says:

    I need to get some of this. Love that it's not a chemical.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      It works really well and I have so many more tips coming ~ once I got started I kept finding things to clean!

  2. Those are great tips! I have a couple sluggish drains in my house... I'll be trying that drain tip soon!

  3. Kimberly @ A Night Owl says:

    that's awesome! i'm going to have to head to the store to find some! thanks for sharing!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      You will find so many great uses for it, Kimberly ~ just go to the vinegar aisle and there you'll find it!

  4. I am going to try the paste on my hard water stains. Thanks!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      You'll love the way it works! Thanks so much for stopping by and have a great week.

  5. Julia Stansel says:

    That trick you did with the salt and vinegar works wonderful to clean out your coffee pot too. Put your salt in there and pour your vinegar in, then throw a few ice cubes in and swish it around since you can't really get your hand in there to scrub it good. You will have a sparkling clean coffee pot in about 2 minutes. I don't drink coffee but I used this tip many times in my cafe back in Texas. I didn't even know they made the cleaning vinegar, can't wait to get a jug. Thanks for keeping us informed!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks for another great tip, Julia ~ I always appreciate it when you share. Have a wonderful week!

  6. Rebecca E. Parsons says:

    WOW, you have blown me away with this...sending HIMself to clean the drain right now!!! Just wish I could find the Heinz Cleaning Vinegar in Florida1 Bummer.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I hope you're able to find the product soon in Florida ~ I already am planning on buying more the next time I'm out so I'm sure to have it on hand. It was amazing!

  7. Vicky Johns Shapcott says:

    Do you have any tips for cleaning tile floors and getting my dishes spotless in the dishwasher? I have already tried the 1/2 cup vinegar and a couple drops Dawn. Didn't work,I am having a white residue after the wash and rinse is finished.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Hi Vicky ~ I am so glad you asked. I have used vinegar for quite a while now to clean but the Heinz Cleaning Vinegar is definitely 'better' than regular vinegar and that is because of the extra 20% acidity so I would highly recommend you try to find it in your area and use that as opposed to the regular vinegar.

      So, now, for the floor you can use one-half cup of the Heinz Cleaning Vinegar mixed with one gallon of warm water to clean your tile floors. If there are any areas where there are tough stains you can pour the vinegar directly on the stain letting it work for at least 10 to 20 minutes and then clean your floor with the cleaning vinegar and water solution.

      For the dishwasher, you can use a cup of the Heinz Cleaning Vinegar on the bottom rack of your dishwasher running it through a full cycle. Try to do that once a month to keep the dishwasher clean. Sometimes a dishwasher stops working effectively and efficiently because of mineral deposits.

      I hope these tips are helpful to you!

      Fondly, Mary Beth

      p.s. I will be adding a forum to my site in a few days and there will be more cleaning tips available there from a wide array of bloggers.

      1. Should you put it in the dispenser or pour over top

        1. Mary Beth says:

          Hi Wendy, If you could let me know what portion of the post you are specifically referring to, I will be happy to answer. Thanks so much.

  8. Great idea MB... sometimes the "proven" cleaning techniques are the best. Thanks for this!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks, Malia! : )

  9. Mary Beth says:

    Hi Jennifer ~ I'm glad you like it : ) I have city water/sewer so I'm not sure about septic systems. Sorry I don't know about that.

    Have a great Sunday and thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and leave a comment.

    Mary Beth

  10. Laura Brewer says:

    I clean Houses for a living. I use the cleaning Vinegar on alot of stuff!!! I have a mixture I use with Dawn Power clean. My peoples LOVE the results!!! So they LOVE me!!! 🙂 I have also used it to clean drains as you did above. But I have seen it ruin certain sink fixtures, so people need to be careful on what they use it on. I really couldnt tell you what fixture it is, but I know it is good on the stainless steel. It turned the drain part a copper color.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much for the advice about different fixtures, Laura. I appreciate it.

      Thanks also for stopping by and leaving a comment ~ have a wonderful week.

    2. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks so much for the advice regarding different fixtures, Laura ~ I appreciate it.

      Thanks also for stopping by and commenting ~ have a wonderful week.

  11. Pingback: Remove Hard Water Deposits | Made From Pinterest
  12. Thank you for sharing with all these helpful hints, and especially helping us save money!
    We need all the help, especially now days.
    Never toooooooo old to learn new ideas!

  13. I will be looking for cleaning vinegar now! Why is the video private?

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thanks, Bonnie. The video is private because I was getting so many spam comments on it on You Tube that it was getting ridiculous. If I can figure out how to change the settings I'll share again publicly but for now I haven't had a chance to play around with it to see what would work (hope that made sense!).