How to Keep All of Your Digital Photos in One Place
Gather ALL of Your Digital Photos in One Place
I have a LOT Of devices. I have a PC, tablet, and smart phones {5 at last count}. I know...the phone thing is a bit of a only defense is that I really like technology and each of the phones has a sweet spot for me. I also have and take LOTS of pictures with my tablet and smart phones and store pictures from my DSLR camera on my PC. That is a lot of memories spread out over a lot of devices. I honestly was at my wits end and was having a hard time remembering which device had which picture on it but I found the perfect FREE solution. The Lyve App.
The Lyve App can be downloaded from iTunes or from Google Play. Once the app is downloaded open it up on the device you've downloaded it to and you'll immediately see a single library of all of your photos and videos from that device beautifully displayed in timeline style but it doesn't end there.
{all views above are screenshots from the Lyve app on my smart phone}
I have the app downloaded on all of my devices and I have the Lyve Home. What that means is that everything from ALL of my devices is sent to Lyve Home once I open the app on each device ~ open the app and your photos and videos are sent and stored. No need to send or upload. Every photo is right there in one place easy to view.
The Lyve Home has 2 terabytes of storage and holds ALL of my photos and videos allowing me to delete that media from my smart phones freeing up space for more pictures and videos. Are you sensing a theme here? I'm a photo junkie!
My thoughts about this are why should I have to worry about where my pictures are and why spend time moving, sharing, or sending when I can have everything all in one app and all on one device? That's one less thing for me to worry about and one less time sucker in my life.
The Lyve Home takes up very little space and I easily move mine around. Sometimes I have it in the living room, sometimes my bedroom, sometimes my desk. Wherever it is I have the chance to take a few minutes out of my day to take a stroll down memory lane. No need to pull out scrapbook and photo's all right there for me to see and I like that. I have pictures of my parents, my brother and my grandparents none of which are digital and the thoughts of losing those photos, of them fading or of them falling apart over time is something I worry about but at least I know that my newest photos are safe {and I just reminded myself why I need a scanner ~ so I can scan my hard copy photos and keep them safe and accessible on my Lyve Home as well}.
P.S. While writing this post I found something new to do with my Lyve App. I took the screen shots above with my smart phone. I opened up the Lyve App on that phone and the screenshots were populated in the app. I then opened the app on my PC (which is the computer where I was writing this post). The screenshots were in the Lyve folder. I highlighted the photos/screenshots I wanted to use and chose to export them to a folder on my computer and within seconds I had the pictures I needed! So much easier than the way I used to move pictures from my phone to my computer for use.
Does this app do anything to find (for removal) duplicates? Because I don't know what I'm doing I have TONS of duplicates and have never found a way for my Mac computer to easily find the duplicates so I can get rid if them.
Hi Jill ~ I found this on the Lyve support page:
As for me, I have the app on all of my devices and have noticed NO duplicates which is great! They also have an 800 number and are always eager to help: 855-GET-LYVE
This looks like an awesome app! Going to check it out.
Thanks, Amy! It will help you to keep track of all of your wonderful pug pictures that I love seeing. 🙂
What a fabulous idea, Mary Beth! Thanks for sharing!
All the best...