DIY Lotion Dispenser with Pump ~ Recycle

{This is not a pretty project but it is a recycling project and I finally got to play with some funky Duct Tape}

Do you use moisturizer and find yourself frustrated when you know there's a good amount left in the bottle but it won't 'pump out' anymore so then you remove the pump and try to scrape the sides and use that ~ and then if you are really curious you close one eye and squint with your open eye to see how much cream is left in the bottle?  {maybe I'm the only one who does that!}  I became so irritated with tossing out bottles with a lot of moisturizer left in them that I came up with a way to get it all out and make use of it and recycle at the same time.

Recycled Dispenser2

This is what I started with ~ an empty (and thoroughly washed) Cool Whip Frosting container and a bottle of Aveeno that still had plenty of cream left at the bottom.

First, I removed the pump and put it aside.  I then cut the Aveeno container in half using a pair of kitchen shears ~ be very careful as the plastic is a little tough to cut through.

Do you see HOW MUCH is left in there~no way I'm going to waste this and if it is left exposed to the air it hardens and isn't usable at that point.

Measure the height of the container you will be recycling and deduct about ¼ of an inch ~ this is the length which you will cut your salvaged pump dispenser.

This particular pump tube was easy to cut using sharp scissors.

I used an Xacto knife to cut an X in the center of the lid  being careful to not cut it too large ~ I wanted the tube to fit snugly.  For this, I just 'eyed' it up ~ no measuring.

The pump fits perfectly!

I used a spatula to clean out the hand cream dispenser and scooped it all into my new container before putting the lid on.

As a final step, I added some Duct tape just to make the container a little more presentable but you can certainly forgo this step!



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  1. pianolady5 says:

    Nifty idea! I like it! And it's something the kids could help decorate after the pump was put in. I think they might like a project like this. 🙂

  2. Mixed Kreations says:

    Great idea! I know what you mean about not being able to get everything out of the bottle. It aggravates me. They always make the pump to short to get it all. I have cut the bottles open to get to the rest. Thanks for sharing this great idea.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      We're both practical gals ~ I hate to waste anything!

      Thanks for stopping by ~ hugs, Mary Beth~