Share Your Love with Cards and Give Memories

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Memories in Ribbon #ValentineCards #shop at Cupcakes and Crinoline I come from a long line of card givers.  My Grandma and my Mom had entire dresser drawers devoted just to cards.  They had cards for every occasion on hand just in case and when my Grandma moved in with us when I was little each week there was at least one mandatory trip to the card store.  Grandma's cards always smelled of lavender ~ she kept sachets in the drawer and the memories of those cards always bring a smile to my face.   I kept the tradition going and have a drawer in an antique dresser filled not only with cards to give but with cards that I have received over the course of my lifetime.  I can't tell you how much those cards mean to me.  I have cards from my Mother, my Father and my Brother, all who have passed away.  I knew they loved me but when I look at those cards and see their signatures along with little smiley faces or a pertinent little word or phrase that we shared, it brings back a flood of good memories {and usually some tears}.   #ValentineCards #shop collageValentine's Day is coming and getting Hallmark Cards was on my list of things to do.  I was on a recent grocery shopping trip at Walmart and found row after row of Hallmark #ValentineCards to choose from.   Sending Love with Valentine Cards #ValentineCards #shop The selection available was amazing and even better than that is the fact that when you join the Hallmark Card Rewards Program (which could not be any easier to do!) for every 5 cards you buy, you'll earn a reward.  Once you sign up you can report cards either by entering the UPC/product identifier or scanning the bar code using the free app that is available to do that.  {You can download the app via the AppStore or Googleplay and both of these links are on the Hallmark Card Rewards website}.  You can redeem your rewards for  great gift cards.  It is a win-win situation ~ you get to give cards and let others know how much you care and you get rewarded for it!  Husband Valentine's Day Card #ValentineCards #shop2 I found a card for the love of my life, my Husband, and some cards for the special little ones in my life. Valentine's Day Card for Boys #ValentineCards #shop5

I got several of these cards for my youngest son and 2 of my nephews.  The Googly Eye on the spider made me laugh and I know it will make them happy as well. 

Bow and Glitter Valdntine's Day Card #ValentineCards #shop4These cards are perfect for two of my nieces ~ they both love glitter and the 3-dimensional little red bow makes it even more perfect.

Card shopping is so much fun when you can match the perfect card to the perfect recipient ~ it's a wonderful way to let people know you care not just for today but for years to come and hopefully they'll be tucked away in a box or a drawer for a future walk down memory lane.  

Make sure you check out to sign up for Hallmark Rewards, and to see great content from other bloggers. Join in the #ValentineCards conversation on Twitter!  

Sharing at:  Twirl & Take a Bow, The Inspiration Board

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  1. Lisa at Texas Decor says:

    Oh this brings back memories! My grandmother sent a lot of cards too. I still have cards from when I had my baby showers, when my boys were born, etc. I keep a lot of them and they are wonderful memories to look back on. And oh my goodness...I love that card with the googly eyes! 🙂

  2. Kelley @Miss Information Blog says:

    I love giving cards, just bought my son's v-day cards at Walmart before the snow came!

  3. Carolyn ~ homework says:

    I'm a card giver and card keeper too. I love to look through all the old cards that I've received. What a great reminder of how nice it is to send a real card.

  4. Tonya @ Love of Family & Home says:

    Hallmark always has such a great selection of cards! I still have some Valentine's Day errands to run & cards are on my to-do list! Thanks for sharing these! I love the googly eyed spider! Too cute! 🙂

  5. Randi - Dukes and Duchesses says:

    I love sending and receiving cards ... and there's nothing better than just sitting in the card aisle, reading. 🙂

  6. Laura Beth says:

    I love sending cards (and getting them too!). Old fashion snail mail is the best. I think the ladybug in a jar might be my favorite!

  7. Rachel @ {i love} my disorganized life says:

    Cards always make me think of my grandma- she would send them out for EVERY occasion!

  8. That lady bug card is adorable!! Getting a card in the mail just makes everyone feel so special! I've always loved the colors and quality of Hallmark cards!

  9. Shannon Gosney says:

    I had kept all of my cards at one point in my life too. It's amazing how much you can remember from a person with a card. Thanks for sharing those special memories with us. #client