What To Do With 5 Minutes of Alone Time

This post was sponsored by OREO as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Alone Time

As a mom, alone time can be something you just don't think about, something that's an afterthought, or something you think you don't have time for. 

Clear glass honey pot jar filled with purple flowers including a large purple iris, fresh lavender, and Dame's Rocket

While all of the above can certainly be true and have been for me, the further I get into motherhood, the more I realize that I need some alone time; it's good for me and it's good for my family. 

Alone time doesn't need to be for a spa weekend or for a vacay without the family, though that would certainly fit the bill, it can simply be just a few moments here and there that are yours and yours alone.

Why Moms Need Alone Time 

Don't underestimate it, alone time is important no matter who you are but as a mom who knows firsthand all that entails, I also know that we moms don't make ourselves a priority. 

The simple act of taking 5 minutes to be alone with yourself can help to ease stress, increase patience, and stop the feeling of overwhelm in its tracks.  

What to Do if Big Chunks of Time Aren't Doable?

Taking big chunks of time to be alone isn't always doable and I understand that, totally. This is a judgment-free zone.

In light of that and my current lifestyle (wife, mother, caretaker, business owner, and more) I am sharing some simple ways to use even a few moments here and there to clear your mind and feel rejuvenated as a result.

What To Do With 5 Minutes of Alone Time

While alone time is a personal experience, here are a few ideas to hopefully give you some food for thought and that you can use and adjust to make your own. 

Remember, this is about YOU!

Start a routine and gently let others in your household know that when you're doing this one specific thing, that's your alone time. Your time to reflect and energize.

A practical example of the above is to sit down with a cup of coffee, tea, or a drink of your preference and make it special. Use your favorite mug or glass and a pretty saucer or plate.

Grab a cloth napkin; anything that makes the moment feel special, and set a timer for 5 or 10 minutes and simply sit and enjoy. 

Learn from Others

I learned this tip from my mother. She passed away when I was a young mom but all of these years later, I get flashes of beautiful memories of her and make connections to wonderful secrets that her actions then give me now to live a more peaceful and productive life and this is one of them. 

My mother would sit at the kitchen table, usually late in the evening, and enjoy a cup of decaf from her special cup. Sometimes, she would have a little bit of something with the coffee, like chocolate, and savored every little bite. 

When I saw her with her cup of decaf and a snack, I knew that was her "special time".

Take Time to Recharge

At those times when I'm sensing I'm a bit overly stressed, I recreate that moment for myself.

I grab a cup to fit the mood, a pretty plate, a cloth napkin, and my favorite treat.

Right now, I'm thoroughly enjoying the smooth flavor of OREO Cookies & Crème Chocolate King Size Bars from Walmart. The combination of OREO cookie pieces and Milka white chocolate candy come together to create this amazingly delicious candy bar. They're rich and delicious and perfect for your special time

Each bar can be easily broken into smaller pieces. I can enjoy a piece or two now, share some, and still have some left for my next alone time experience. 

I bought 5 a few weeks ago for myself and to share and right now, they're on Rollback at Walmart for only $1.00 so this is a wonderful time to stock up on them.


This may sound like a no brainer, but deep breathing has literally gotten me out of many moments of feeling like I was ready to scream and run in circles. 

Ideally, find a quiet comfortable spot. In a pinch, anywhere will do. 

Sit down. Close your eyes. Pretend you're alone if need be. Imagination is a wonderful thing!

Breathe in deeply through your nose. Hold the breath for a moment, then breathe out through your mouth. Do this 10 times or more, and enjoy the peace and tranquility that rushes over you. Seriously, this little tip is so often overlooked but makes a huge impact. 

Nighttime gratitude.

If you can go into bed a few minutes before your spouse to get alone time, do it. Instead of browsing on your phone, lay down, close your eyes and reflect on the good things of the day.

Don't let your mind rush to your to-do list for tomorrow. Think of all you've accomplished today and give yourself a pat on the back. 

I hope these ideas have helped spark something in you to carve out that time for you that is so needed and so very much deserved. If you have any tips for alone time, please let me know in the comments below and I would love to add them to the starter list above!

You can shop your local Walmart for the OREO Cookies & Crème Chocolate King Size Bars at Rollback prices (find them in the front of the store at the checkout area) and enter the giveaway below for the chance to celebrate you with something special!

OREO Cookies & Creme Chocolate Bar Sweepstakes

I-C will randomly select winners from all program entries and will facilitate fulfillment of the 7 winning prizes.


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  1. Beautiful! Thank you for this inspiring and uplifting post, Mary Beth!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Thank you so much, Diane! 🙂