Closet Organization - 3 Simple Steps from #PGeveryday


Raise those hands if you're like me and are trying to Get and Keep a More Organized Home. Closet Organization is high on my list of ways to keep my home running smoothly.  A few weeks ago I organized my closet and my two youngest son's closets and next on my list is the hall closet.  We have a small house and limited storage space so it is really important that the process is efficient. I found this article at  P&Geveryday™~ Designer 101:  How to Keep Your Closet Organized in 3 Steps at just the perfect time.  

The article covers Purging, Separating and Design.  Each section is presented in a way that makes sense and keeps everything in perspective without being overwhelming.  I love that! 

P&Geveryday™ not only has articles about organizing but is a GREAT resource for making every day a bit easier with inspiration, support and the information we need in our busy lives  to keep things a little less stressful.  You can also find advice and products to help streamline your days and your nights.

ingredient-of-the-month-lemon-1-size-3Do you know how to tell if a lemon is fresh?  Check out this Ingredient of the Month article to find out this and more Lemon tid-bits! Take those lemons and make lemonade.

Taking things up a notch {even though they don't need to} P&Geveryday™ offers COUPONS {more $$$ money in your pocket} and SAMPLES from brands you know and trust.  

P&Geveryday™ was created by Procter & Gamble ~ they've been around for 175 years so I think they may know a thing or two {or much, much more!}.  


So now head on over to  the P&Geveryday™  site and their Facebook Page where I found this absolutely adorable Baby Shower Watermelon Baby Carriage ~ cute is this?  It makes me want another baby just so I have a reason to make this ~ or I guess I could just make a new friend who happens to be expecting and then throw her a surprise shower...oh, the possibilities are endless! 😉 

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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One Comment

  1. Diane | An Extraordinary Day says:

    Mary Beth...It always feels so good to get the closets organized doesn't it? Hope yours stay that way too. 😉 That's the challenge. :-/

    I'm on my way to see the tips on lemon freshness. I love lemons and use them often...yum!!

    Hope your day is blessed beyond imagination!