Easy Halloween Decorations

Easy Halloween Decorations - Some New, Some Vintage and Some from the Dollar Store!

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I have two bins filled with Autumn and Halloween decor.  When I look through those bins I sometimes feel like I'm on a trip down memory lane.  

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I find little decorations that my kids made and some that I bought with my Mom when she was still alive {my mom passed away when I was in my 20's so I've had those little decorations for a while now!}.  I bought the little wooden pumpkin when I was at a craft show with my mom, the Halloween postcard is from Cracker Barrel, the metal flower frog from an antique store and the cash box from the thrift store.  

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Sometimes I get sad when I look at my trinkets but most of the time they make me happy ~ like this little doll....doesn't it look like she's dancing?

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NONE Of my decor is anything expensive ~ some of it is even tacky {glitter explosion} but I love it all.

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I have two different styles for Halloween decorating....one is cutesy and traditional

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 and the other is glitter, sparkle and candlelight.  This is the antique dresser at the top of the stairs in my living room ~ the black cloth over the lamps is from the dollar store as is almost everything on this dresser.   

Crow Wearing Paper Hat

 This crow is from the dollar store as well, the pumpkin beneath him painted black and the hat upon his head is an old book page cut to fit.

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If it lights up it calls my name {honestly....I have a weird obsession with anything that glows}.  My youngest son put the spider and the glow-in-the-dark mouse in this Jack-o-lantern's eyes.

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When the sun goes down I love to light everything up and give the living room a warm and eerie glow.....

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What's your Halloween decorating style?  

Halloween Decorating - How to mix new, vintage and dollar store decor for a look you love! get the details at www.cupcakesandcrinoline.com




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  1. Mary Beth says:

    Thank you so much, Anne! 🙂

  2. Leslie @ House on the Way says:

    Great halloween decor! One of my favorite holidays!

  3. Jamie | anderson + grant says:

    You had such a happy looking collection of Halloween decor! I prefer happy over scary 🙂 And that pumpkin doll is adorable!