The SIMPLR™ Way to Protect Your Stuff and a $150 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway

SIMPLR™ disclosure

The Smart and SIMPLR™ Way to Protect Your Stuff

I always love when I find out about a new product or service that's not only awesome but USEFUL! Today I want to share what I learned about how easy it is to protect your stuff with SIMPLR™ and not only will you learn something to make your life easier but you can also enter to win a $150.00 Amazon Gift Card.

There will be 30 ~ yes 30 winners! 


Gadgets and gizmos cost MONEY ~ and sometimes they cost lots of money.  The last thing you want to have happen is for any of your precious goodies to stop working and if they do you don't want to have to worry about how you're going to pay to get them fixed.  This is where SIMPLR™ comes to the rescue.  When you buy a new laptop or tablet, portable electronics such cameras, MP3 players, gaming systems, mobile phones, televisions, appliances, and so much more (lots more than I can list here) buy the SIMPLR™ protection plan and you're ready when your favorite products stop working.

The best protection gizmo and gadget protection plan I know of ~ The SIMPLR plan AD #SIMPLRplan

If you've got kids you know that they mean well but sometimes they just don't pay attention and even with the best of intentions they can break things {do you like how I'm calling their grabbing for the iPhone the best of intentions...sometimes I have to live in a fantasy of sorts!} ~ if you buy them that new laptop or tablet for school this year and you buy the SIMPLR™ protection plan at the same time their device is covered for drops, spills, cracked screens and more.  

The best protection gizmo and gadget protection plan I know of ~ The SIMPLR plan AD #SIMPLRplan

(Limitations and exclusions apply. See terms and conditions for details.)

The best protection gizmo and gadget protection plan I know of ~ The SIMPLR plan AD #SIMPLRplan

See this television?  It sits in the garage broken and too expensive to get repaired.  Buying a NEW television was less expensive than getting this one fixed...again.  If only I had  SIMPLR™ it would still be up in the living room being enjoyed.

SIMPLR™ is so easy to use:

1 ~ Register online.  If your protected product breaks all you need to do is

2 ~ File a claim online

3 ~ Pack & Ship or schedule a home repair.

Shipping is FREE and if you have to get the same item repaired 3 times for the same failure SIMPLR™ will replace it.

  • NO additional fees.
  • NO deductibles.
  • NO repair costs.

This video explains it well plus it's cute {it reminded me of my brother!}.

The next time you make a purchase ask if SIMPLR™ is available and then get it!  You won't be sorry.  Did you ever have something break that you WISH you had covered by a plan like this?  Tell me what it was and don't forget to enter this great giveaway!
SIMPLR™ disclosure Protect your stuff with SIMPLR™ #SIMPLRplan AD$150.00 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway #SIMPLRplan AD

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  1. SIMPLR would be good for my household b/c we have so many electronics and with kids things do happen. it can be devastating when an expensive piece of tech goes wrong and you have to replace or fix it. I like that SIMPLR will even replace an item if repaired for the same problem 3x...that does happen a lot.

  2. that video was like what happened in my home. Hubby and son went canoeing and took their phone, mp3, and digital camera with them...lost all 3 in the water...ggggrrrrr

  3. Erin Kaven says:

    I sure could have used this on my laptop which fell on it's corner. I now can only use it by having an extra battery charger and charging batteries externally. the cord no longer works.

  4. Erin Kaven says:

    The video was cute...and short. Didn't know a fishing pole could be covered.

  5. Considering how many tv's we have gone through the last couple years I think this would be a very good thing!


  6. I like the sigh as they order pizza - sounds like my son really. Maybe this plan was invented for him...


  7. Doreen Lamoureux says:

    To me, appliances are such a big thing and if something goes wrong with any of them.... wow... yap wow. So < this plan would get things all worked out for me. wow

  8. My daughter dropped our laptop and broke the screen. It's sitting in the closet gathering dust. Wish I had this plan at the time.

  9. I like that it was short and sweet. I can relate to losing the fishing pole.

  10. Diane @ Vintage Zest says:

    With the new house and a LOT of new appliances, this would be perfect for us! Also, the video is just cute with the line drawings. Very Harold and the Purple Crayon!

  11. Bridget Heiple Reich says:

    I love that they protect laptops and tablets. We have 2 Ipads and 2 young kids, so we need this!! 🙂

  12. Laura @ Make LIfe lovely says:

    Adorable video. Love this concept!

  13. Betsy Barnes says:

    SIMPLR would really be great in our house! We have four laptops and various other electronics. Both my hubby and son are so very careful just in case, this would help relieve a lot of stress worrying 🙂

  14. Betsy Barnes says:

    The video reminded me of our house, every time hubby and son go somewhere, I find myself saying "Not again", hahaha. 🙂

  15. Anastasia says:

    Being able to file claims easily online is the part of their plan that I like the best 🙂

  16. Bridget Heiple Reich says:

    I like "Life is Complicated, Make One Thing Easy" in the video. I totally agree with that statement! 🙂

  17. This is a protection plan built by consumers, for consumers.

  18. This would be beyond perfect for our house,not a day goes by without someone here,our house is blessed with many.Thanks for this chance.

  19. The video was very informative.Thanks,now I know how to explain.

  20. Andrea Williams says:

    I like that you can sign up your items right after purchase and then forget about all the packaging and paperwork. We have a ton of electronics and it is hard to keep track of the various manuals and such.

  21. Andrea Williams says:

    I like the video because it is short, funny and makes the point of the product.

  22. This would be great for my house because we have a lot of electronics and 2 cats and a dog who like to run and jump on everything lol.

  23. Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker says:

    I am HUGE on protection plans because I have horrible luck and a super destructive and mischievous 3 year old! I hadn't heard of this, thanks so much for sharing!

  24. Melissa@TheHappierHomemaker says:

    I love the video because it's funny and to the point!

  25. Getting coverage for things like dropping an item or spills and even normal wear and tear over and above defects normally covered in warranties would give me piece of mind ~ especially for mobile electronics like laptops and notebooks.

    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway.

  26. Cute video! I think everyone can relate to it! 😉

  27. Dana@chocolateandsunshine says:

    Electronics are so easily broken that this seems an excellent resource for those accidents.

  28. Angie @ CCC says:

    I could use this on all of my electronics!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Me too! It would certainly give some peace of mind. 🙂

  29. I could use this service for my laptop!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      Me too! I wish I had this plan on my last one ~ it died way before it's time. 🙁

  30. Carol Solar says:

    The video was helpful. This could be great in my home because we have a ton of electronics and a 6 year old and 2 crazy dogs. Something is bound to happen soon.

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I have 3 sons and they are always wrestling or running or something, so I totally know what you mean, Carol.

  31. Idania de jesus says:

    Great video. Extra protection always needed.

  32. Tiffanie Dart says:

    Ugh, I dropped my laptop and it shattered. It cost me more to fix it than it would've to just buy a new one! I definitely would have loved to have SIMPLR then! The next big purchase I make, I'll register!

    1. Mary Beth says:

      I'm so sorry about your laptop, Tiffanie. I have had so many electronics items break it's not even funny. Next time I buy something new I'm going to ask if SIMPLR is available.

  33. This is great idea. Something everyone should have.

  34. Therese @ Fresh Idea Studio says:

    This sounds like just what we need! 4 iPhones, 5 iPads, 3 laptops and 6 TVs to worry about. I'd love the pieces of mind next time we buy a new one.

  35. Jen @ Girl in the Garage says:

    Between my husband and I and our two boys, we have lots of gadgets, tools, and toys in the house! This is a great idea to protect our belongings.

  36. Oh I so could use this, my desktop caught fire a few yrs ago and my good laptop broke a year after purchasing it grrr!

  37. wow what a good thing this is!! with how my g-son sometimes, uh, doesnt pay attention to or is not so careful with at times the electronics.....this really could come in very handy!!! plus the convenience of it! 🙂

  38. It could probably save me money on a lot of my insurance coverages

  39. It was a humorous way of showing how even the cheapest items could be covered