Tooth Fairy Pillow {for boys}
My little guy is growing up *sigh* too fast
I remember when my oldest son was a little, little, guy {he had to be less than 2 years old} my Mom gave me a little box that was hand painted with a silly picture of a little boy missing a tooth. She said she saw it and thought it was so cute and she wanted to give it to me so I 'had' it. My mother was always a planner. I took it and put it aside. I'm so glad she gave it to me then. A few months later she was gone.
When my oldest son lost his first tooth, I knew right where that little box was. I pulled it out and told him the story of his Grandma and how she got it for him. He used it every time he lost a tooth and I retrieved it and kept it in a safe place.
When my second son lost his first tooth, I again pulled out the little box, told him the story of his Grandma, and kept the box in a safe place.
Fast forward a few years to last week. My youngest son was so excited....his front tooth was loose. I went to retrieve the silly little box from Grandma....and it was no where to be found. I cried {I'm like that} and didn't know what to do. I hoped the box would somehow just show had to.
This Monday, the tooth was really loose and I knew time was ticking. I didn't want him not to have something, something special, for the Tooth Fairy to retrieve the tooth. I had to work first and I was running out of time. As soon as I finished work, I ran to my sewing room and grabbed a pair of jeans I was saving to cut into shorts for my little guy this summer. I cut off a leg and got to work ~ after all, the pillow couldn't be had to be a manly pillow {or so I was told}.
I stitched "Tooth Fairy" on the top, trimmed up another scrap of fabric for a make shift pocket and stitched...quickly {and not so accurately} but he had to have the pillow in time. I finished up the pillow, turned it inside out, stuffed it, stitched it closed and handed it to him. He was so happy with it....and just minutes later....his tooth fell out. I took hold of the moment and remembered that not everything had to be perfect, and to make the little moments special....even if the seam is crooked and the thread wasn't the right color, it didn't really matter in the big scheme of things.
Linking to: One Project Closer, The Dedicated House Anything Blue Friday, Simply Designing, The Shady Porch, Tatertots and Jello
Oh my goodness, Mary Beth, this is such a cute idea for a little guy! My niece, who has the cutest little boy, will LOVE this! I can so relate to your tears at not being able to find grandmom's tooth box. You'll find it! Thanks for sharing your story with us and that you've created something special that will hold lots of new memories! Have a wonderful weekend and am pinning! Hugs, Cindy
Thanks so much, Cindy! I really hope that little box turns up ~ It's just a little thing but it means a lot to me.
Have a great weekend and congratulations on the Liebster award!
Hugs, Mary Beth
How cute is that! And sooo manly too!!
Thanks, Diane ~ there is a strict rule among my boys around here...nothing girlie! (maybe some day I'll have a granddaughter that I can share all my frilly pinkness with!).
have a great weekend,
Hugs, Mary Beth
So (!) cute! I don;t have boys of my own but I am pinning this for those who do!
Thanks for stopping by and for sharing {pinning}, Elena!
Have a great weekend.
Mary Beth
This story so tugs at my heart. As a (gr)andma of 6 boys and 4 girls it's things like this that help me recall the really important things in life - our fond memories. I am just beginning to sew and craft after a hiatus of way too many years. Thank you so much for sharing your story and idea for a tooth pillow. Most of my grands are still young enough to for me to give a pillow to use now; as for the older one, I will place one in their memory boxes for them to use when they have children of their own.
P.S, I'm a crier too. Soft hearts and sentiment often leads us know what is really valuable!
You are so sweet to leave such a lovely comment, Donna. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.
Have a blessed weekend.
Mary Beth
That is so cute! I started crying too when I read that the box was missing. So sorry you couldn't find it. God blessed you with a talent to turn that sadness into something that made your little guy so happy in the end. Thanks for sharing this with us!
You are so sweet to stop by and comment, Julia! I really appreciate it.
You and your family have a wonderful weekend and a blessed Easter.
Mary Beth
I always stop by! Sometimes I am unable to comment as it won't let me type anything in. I'm always posting your blogs on my FB page and sharing your wonderful ideas with my friends. Love the photos of the boys making the messy Easter nests! They are getting so big! At least they are still young enough to hunt eggs. Rachel is sad this year because we don't plan on dying eggs as we have nobody to hunt them. I asked her if she wanted to but she said since she is turning 21 next week she better pass. LOL! Happy Easter!
What a great idea! I think my boys would much rather have this than a "cutesie" pillow, and it looks relatively easy (my seewing capabilites are not the greatest). 😉
Thanks so much, Stacy ~ and it is super easy to make (and quick!).
Have a great weekend,
Mary Beth
I would have cried too. Hope it turns up...eventually! I love your denim fairy tooth pillow, it would be great for boys or girls! Thanks for sharing at the Rock N Share!