Top 10 Must Have Apps for Traveling
Summer Travel can cost a lot of $$$$ but if you have a Smart Phone there are apps to help you save time and money. Here is a list of my top 10 must have apps for traveling.
1. The HTC One Car App - This app comes loaded on the HTC One and it is amazing!
Within the Car app you can choose from multiple options including: Navigation ~ here you can find restaurants, locations from pictures {see the details of this below}, parking, gas stations, convenience stores and more.
When I was in New York City I took a picture of a cool Verizon gadget and sent it to my husband {he and I share a love of geeky things}.
You may be thinking, AND???? But the cool thing about it (and any picture you take with your HTC One) is that when you have the Car app open you simply tap on the By photo tab and then open up the photo of your choice. For this demo I opened up my New York City Verizon Pic. Above the picture is a "Where to go" prompt.
Tap the "Where to go"prompt and it will pull up the location where the picture was taken and gave you the option to Start a trip to this location. I absolutely love this! My family and I have gone to restaurants, shops, etc., and then forgotten the name of the restaurant or the location and racked our brains trying to remember so that we could go back but with this app if I'm someplace we like or even someplace I need to remember how to get back to all I have to do is take a picture (it can be of ANYTHING at that location) save it to my phone and the next time I want to go back all I have to do is open the picture from the Car app and the directions are right there.
Such helpful information...thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!!
Thanks so much, Pam. 🙂